Thursday, December 29, 2011

IPYPIASM -Post Christmas Reds

I've done IPYPIASM (aka International Put Your Poem In A Shop Month). Read all about   IPYPIASM
The question is: does a bank qualify as a shop?

  Oh well, what the heck, I did it anyway.
Tucked it neatly behind the lodgement dockets - hint, hint. 

And then left, head down, as fast as I could.


Niamh B said...

Haha Mari G, love it, thanks for taking part - this was probably the bravest placement of the season!!

The Bug said...

I agree - VERY brave! Love it!

Pete Goulding said...

Mari, its easy to see why you're a former bank official! Wonderful poem, wonderful placement - where was it by the way?

eileen said...

Hey Mari, what about the security cameras???
Then again if they offer a reward for identifying the perpetrator I might just be tempted, due to my own penurious circumstances!! must call in tomorrow!

eileen said...

Hey Mari, what about the security cameras???
Then again if they offer a reward for identifying the perpetrator I might just be tempted, due to my own penurious circumstances!! must call in tomorrow!

Mari G said...

Hi Niamh B - loved taking part in your challenge. Oh the buzz when I walked out that door, unspotted! Thanks for the mention on your blog too, by the way.

The Bug - thank you. I was just lucky twas so busy no one noticed the madwoman with the camera -or at least I don't think they did

Mari G said...

Hi Peter - Thanks for kind words (esp about my poem, coming from a poet of your stature)
Shall I just say it was my "local" bank in case Eileen decides to spill the beans...
Hi Eileen - let me know how big the reward, I might just turn myself in!

Emerging Writer said...

Fantastic! Welcome to the fold.

Mari G said...

Thank you, Kate.
Will be avoiding the bank for more reasons than one for the next few weeks!
Happy New Year!

Words A Day said...

very brave, and very apt!
Well done, and a happy new year:)

Mari G said...

Thanks Niamh.
Loved your "New Irish Writing" poem by the way.

Susannah said...

What a great idea and a wonderful poem too. Well done Mari. :-)

A very happy new year to you and yours, may it be a wonderful one.

Susannah x

Mari G said...

Hi Susannah. I actually went into the bank again today & found myself peering around in case someone was watching out for me!
Glad you like the poem.
Many happy returns!

Anonymous said...

Mari, great poem and one I can very much relate to, "I've taken my inner child shopping", only "I've taken my inner child shopping, inner self, outer self, middle aged self, also spent enough for a few life times, and just to feel youthful shopped for the lost shopping days" thus my living arrangements. As they say, "no pockets in shrouds"... Olive